Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mobile Health Screening

I've always believed education and prevention were the keys to a healthy lifestyle. My spouse currently works at a company with a pretty large staff. Most of his coworkers work on computers which means they sit a lot at consoles. They often work long hours and order take out a lot. I'm trying to find a way to get him and his coworkers more active.

Although there is a gym less than 10 minutes away and a park with a walking trail across the street I thought that a way to get them interested in exercising was to introduce mobile screening.

Mobile health screening companies typically offers quality care and convenience with flexible and extended hours just what this group of computer junkies need. A previous employer I once worked for offered mobile health screening, I used the screening to check my blood pressures to screen for heart disease because it runs in my family. I learned so much about high blood pressure and what type of symptom to look for. I learned about hypertensions and hypotension. I learned more than I would if I did google searches all day.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Calculating your health risk?

I did a search on "heart attack risk" and I was surprised. I've never seen so many websites that help you calculate your risk of heart disease. Although helpful and convenient I can't help think that most of those calculators don't get information about family history, information that is pertinent.

Here is an example I found a website with a heart attack risk calculator. It ask for your blood pressure, HDL cholesterol, age, gender, and history of smoking. The results estimates your 10-year risk of having a heart attack. I really wonder how they come up with estimate for 10 years of your life. The good thing about the website it highlights that people with no none heart problems should use the tool.

Overall preventive health screening is a great way to get ahead of any potential serious health problems.

Health screening can encompass so many health risk such as stroke risk, heart attack risk, and Peripheral Artery Disease.