Saturday, March 7, 2009

Reading Food Labels For a Healthy Heart

More and more I'm finding that people will tell you just about anything to sell you something. I'm noticing more foods promising to be "All Natural" and "Heart healthy." I ofter wonder how sincere the advertisers of these products are. Is it possible if I eat only these foods my risk for health problems will decrease?

Although these products make these great claims to improve the health of your heart I would not rely on them alone. Plus, these foods can't detect stroke risk or risk of other serious illnesses.

In order to detect your risk for stroke you need preventive health screening. So I'll continue to read the labels and stick with foods that are making these claims but I've also decided to use the internet to do my homework on the claims and see if a product's claim has been tested and has shown results. In other words I will take control to detect stroke risk for myself and not rely on others.